- 手机:13358092271
- Email:gongcheng_ph at hotmail dot com
- 微信号:gongcheng85
2007年8月至2011年9月, 就读于新加坡南洋理工大学化学与生物工程学院材料专业, 获得博士学位. (读博期间经常用编程方法处理数据, 并且担任一个学期c语言助教. )
2002年9月至2006年6月, 就读于武汉大学物理科学与技术学院材料物理专业, 获得理学学士学位. (本科论文及2006年9月到2007年7月在武汉大学读硕士期间用FORTRAN语言做量子力学模拟计算. )
- 所用技术: aws ec2, aws elb, aws rds, aws elasticache, magento, bash, git.
- 项目描述: 重构万豪商店, 喜来登商店,威斯汀商店等中国网站架构,并负责公司IT运维.
- 职责:
- 分析旧网站存在的架构问题.
- 重新设计并部署网站架构,升级软件版本.
- 迁移备份数据.
- 公司日常IT运维工作,新员工入职账号设置.
自主创业, 自由职业者。
在平安好房担任软件工程师, 负责好房拓后台开发和房源数据维护。
项目一: 好房拓后台开发(2016/04-2017/04)
- 所用技术: PHP, MYSQL, laravel, bash, git.
- 项目描述: 好房拓后台开发.
- 职责:
- 分析好房拓需求.
- 根据需求提出方案并且预估开发时间.
- 开发对应接口并且与测试人员联调.
- 协助运维上线代码.
- 离开原因:调入核心房源组.
项目二: 房源数据维护及系统开发(2017/04-2017/10)
- 所用技术: PHP, MYSQL, laravel, bash, git.
- 项目描述: 房源数据维护及系统开发.
- 职责:
- 了解兄弟团队所需接口.
- 开发接口联调上线.
- 优化现有代码并且增加单元测试.
- 离开原因: 创业.
美美箱有限公司 软件工程师 (2015年3月 ~ 2016年4月)
作为跨国技术团队(韩国,美国,中国)中国首位技术人员, 负责组建中国技术团队, 维护并开发升级公司电商系统.
项目一: 组建中国技术团队(2015/03-2015/06)
- 项目描述: 招聘组建中国技术团队.
- 职责:
- 联系猎头招聘技术人员.
- 面试后端, Android, iOS工程师.
- 初步筛选公司技术负责人.
- 与韩国开发人员联系, 帮助新入职工程师构建编程环境.
- 离开原因: 技术负责人入职, 职责转交给他.
项目二: 维护并开发升级公司电商系统(2015/03-2016/04)
- 所用技术: PHP, MYSQL, magento, nodejs, bash, git, aws.
- 项目描述: 维护并开发升级公司电商系统.
- 职责:
- 熟悉Magento系统的使用和开发.
- 学习并维护nodejs中间件.
- 与韩国开发人员对接, 接手中国电商系统的维护开发工作.
- 协助erp系统及海关系统的对接.
- 给财务及销售团队挖掘提取数据.
- 离开原因: 合同结束, 公司搬家, 新地点离家太远.
亚历山大斯翠特软件公司 软件工程师 (2013年7月 ~ 2015年3月)
在跨国技术团队(美国,英国,中国)里面负责了公司旧系统的维护(Zend framework + MYSQL + xapian)和向新系统(Symfony for API + Drupal for UI + solr for DB)的数据迁移. (所用技能:PHP + MYSQL + BASH + XSLT + JAVA + SYMFONY + GIT)
- 所用技术: PHP, MYSQL, xdebug, xapian, bash.
- 项目描述: 维护旧系统并更新xapian内容.
- 职责:
- 修复数据和前端的bug.
- 帮助数据录入组同事批量导数据到mysql.
- 生成xapian所需的数据来支持全文索引.
- 离开原因:公司开发新的系统, 我被调到新的开发组.
- 所用技术: PHP, MYSQL, xslt, solr, bash, java.
- 项目描述: 开发新系统并且将数据从旧系统迁移到新系统.
- 职责:
- 熟悉新系统的架构.
- 学习xslt编程语言.
- 用xslt从旧系统中提取数据转换成solr用的xml格式.
- 提供UI组发布新产品所需要的数据并且定位UI及API中的数据问题.
- 离开原因:希望有更多的技能提升的机会及更多的薪水.
作为该公司2012年创立时的唯一技术员工, 我负责了公司全部IT相关的工作, 包括系统的维护, 后端数据备份, 前端UI的开发.(所用技能: PHP + MYSQL + HTML + CSS + JQUERY + SMARTY).
项目: 系统维护及新功能的开发(2012/12-2013/07)
- 所用技术: PHP, MYSQL, ECSHOP, HTML, CSS, jquery, bash, git.
- 项目描述: 维护并二次开发ECSHOP系统.
- 职责:
- 熟悉并二次开发ecshop系统.
- 维护并定期备份公司服务器的数据和代码.
- 根据UI设计师的要求修改前端代码.
- 协助招聘新的开发人员及UI设计师.
- 离开原因: 个人原因.
新加坡link1教育有限公司 工程部经理 (2012年3月 ~ 2012年10月)
作为该公司的工程部经理, 我受命负责设计公司的管理系统来改进公司的工作流程提高工作效率. 离开新加坡之前, 我成功的完成了任务. 系统包括学员信息管理, 课程管理, 成绩管理, 班级管理, 考试管理和财务管理等模块.(所用技能: PHP+MYSQL+HTML+CSS+JQUERY)
项目: 公司管理系统开发(2012/03-2012/10)
- 项目描述: 开发公司管理系统.
- 职责:
- 调查公司现有的工作流程及存在的问题.
- 同各部门经理沟通了解新系统的需求.
- 开发系统的原型.
- 测试并改进系统.
- 系统发布并且培训员工使用.
- 离开原因: 项目结束, 回国发展.
感谢您花时间阅读我的简历, 期待能有机会和您共事.
- Mobile:13358092271
- Email:gongcheng_ph at hotmail dot com
- WeChat:gongcheng85
Personal Information
2007/08-2011/09, PhD, School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.(I used a lot of programming skills to analyze data. And I taught the course "C programming" as teaching assistant.)
2002/09-2006/07, Bachelor, School of Physics and Technology, Wuhan University, China.(My bachelor thesis is on quantum mechanics simulation which use FORTRAN programming. And I studied one more year for Master degree in Wuhan University before I went to Singapore, also worked on computational physics.)
Work Experience:
Devops engineer
Project Experience:
Design and deploy the new architecture of Chinese website(2018/06-)
- Application Technology: aws ec2, aws elb, aws rds, aws elasticache, magento, bash, git.
- Project Description: Refactored the architecture of shopmarriott.cn, whotelsthestore.cn, sheratonstore.cn and etc, daily IT support.
- Responsibilities:
- Analyze the old architecture of website and find SPOF.
- Designed and deployed the new architecture.
- Transfered the database from old ec2 instance to aws rds.
- IT support, new hire onboarding.
Start my own business, worked as a freelancer.
pingan.com Software Engineer (2016/04 ~ 2017/10)
Worked as a backend software engineer in a big software engineer team (around 300 engineers) under Ping An Insurance (Group).
Project Experience:
Project 1: Development of the haofangtuo api(2016/04-2017/04)
- Application Technology: PHP, MYSQL, laravel, bash, git.
- Project Description: Provide api for haofangtuo app.
- Responsibilities:
- Analyze the requests of haofangtuo project.
- Propose technical solutions and estimate development time.
- Develop the api and test with testing engineers.
- Help Operations Engineer with the deployment of api code.
- Reason for leaving: Joined the house data management team.
Project 2: Develop and maintain the house data management system(2017/04-2017/10)
- Application Technology: PHP, MYSQL, laravel, bash, git.
- Project Description: Develop and maintain the house data management system.
- Responsibilities:
- Understand the request from other teams.
- Develop the interfaces and test with engineers from other teams.
- Optimize the code and write the unit test.
- Reason for leaving: Start my own business.
Memebox.com Software Engineer (2015/03 ~ 2016/04)
Recruit and build Chinese engineering team as the first engineer in Chinese engineering department in a cross-country team(KR, US, CN), maintain and build company's e-commerce system.
Project Experience:
Project 1: Build Chinese engineering system (2015/03-2015/06)
- Project Description: Recruit engineers to build Chinese engineering team.
- Responsibilities:
- Contact head-hunters to recruit engineers.
- Interview backend, Android, iOS developers.
- Interview and recommend CTO to Korean Team.
- Contact Korean engineers, set up develop environment for new developers.
- Reason for leaving: CTO get aboard, take my responsibilities.
Project 2: Maintain and develop company's e-commerce system (2015/03-2016/04)
- Application Technology: PHP, MYSQL, magento, nodejs, bash, git, aws.
- Project Description: Maintain and develop company's e-commerce system.
- Responsibilities:
- Get familiar with the use and develop of magento system.
- Learn and maintain the nodejs middleware and API code.
- Take over the development and maintain work from Korean Team.
- Help linking the erp and China customs system to our e-commerce system.
- Data mining for financial and marketing team.
- Reason for leaving: Work contract ended, and company moved to Yangpu District.
Maintain the company website and develop new system in a cross-country team(US, UK, CN) for the company. Transfer the content from old system(Zend framework + MYSQL +xapian) to new system(Symfony for API+ Drupal for UI + solr for DB). (Skills used: PHP + MYSQL + BASH + XSLT + JAVA + SYMFONY + GIT)
Project Experience:
Project 1: Maintain old system (2013/07-2014/01)
- Application Technology: PHP, MYSQL, xdebug, xapian, bash.
- Project Description: maintain and update content for old system.
- Responsibilities:
- fix bugs on old system, including data issues and ui issues.
- assist production team to input data to MYSQL database.
- build content for xapian to support full text search.
- Reason for leaving: I was transfered to another team.
Project 2: Develop new system (2014/02-2015/03)
- Application Technology: PHP, MYSQL, xslt, solr, bash, java.
- Project Description: develop new system and transfer all contents in old system to new system.
- Responsibilities:
- get familiar with the framework of the new system.
- learn the new programming language xslt and develop new features using xslt.
- fetch content from old system and transform to digestible xml content for solr using xslt.
- understand the solr system to provide data and debug data issue to assist the UI team's work on release new products.
- Reason for leaving: I want to learn something new and enhance my programming skills, also I want to get higher salary.
Since this is a small company founded in 2012, I was the only software engineer, I need to handle all the IT works, including maintains the system, develop new features, backup database, change the UI according to designers' design.(Skills used: PHP + MYSQL + HTML + CSS + JQUERY + SMARTY).
Project Experience:
Project: Maintain old system and develop new features (2012/12-2013/07)
- Application Technology: PHP, MYSQL, ECSHOP, HTML, CSS, jquery, bash, git.
- Project Description: maintain and customize the ECSHOP system.
- Responsibilities:
- get familiar with the company's ecommerce system to customize the system.
- maintain the system server as system administrator and backup system.
- change UI code for website according to designers' design.
- recruit new developers and designers.
- Reason for leaving: Personal reason.
I worked in this small education company as engineering manager. I was employed to design the management system from scratch. I finished the system before I leave Singapore. The system includes student information management module, course management module, score management module, class management module, exam management and financial management module.(Skills used: PHP + MYSQL + HTML + CSS + JQUERY)
Project Experience:
Project: Develop the management system (2012/03-2012/10)
- Application Technology: PHP, MYSQL, HTML, CSS, JQUERY.
- Project Description: develop management system.
- Responsibilities:
- investigate the old procedure of their management work.
- work with managers in other department to analyse the requirement of the new system.
- design the prototype of the new management system.
- test and improve the system.
- deploy the new system and training on the use of the system.
- Reason for leaving: The project was finished and I went back China.
Thank you for taking the time to read my resume, looking forward to the opportunity to work with you.